End-of-Year Reflections and Morning Routines for Service Advisors

Michael Doherty [00:00:01]:
This is the AutoFix Advisor cast powered by WorldPac.

Michael Doherty [00:00:11]:
Hey, welcome to another episode of the Auto Fix Advisor Cast with your host Michael Dougherty. This episode is sponsored by WorldPAC and the WorldPAC Training Institute. This podcast is your go to source for service advising and automotive industry insights and be sure to check out worldpack.com for the latest in auto parts distribution and worldpactraining.com to explore training programs that.

Michael Doherty [00:00:35]:
Can take your career to the next level.

Michael Doherty [00:00:37]:
Stay tuned and also connect with worldpac on their Facebook page and join the.

Michael Doherty [00:00:42]:
Community at the STX Training Expo coming up in 2026 at the Gaylord in.

Michael Doherty [00:00:50]:
Washington D.C. in August and again that'll.

Michael Doherty [00:00:52]:
Be in 2026 and it'll be at Cant Miss Event Service Advisor Nation. Hope everyone is doing well. Ladies and gentlemen, it is called the end of the year.

Michael Doherty [00:01:03]:
It's wrapping up to be the end.

Michael Doherty [00:01:04]:
Of the year and it's been a great year. Definitely challenging, but just I guess gauging, gauging the room.

Michael Doherty [00:01:10]:
How's everybody feeling? How's your health, mental and physical?

Michael Doherty [00:01:14]:
It's, you know, there's definitely some things going around this time of year.

Michael Doherty [00:01:19]:
Have some co workers out sick, not.

Michael Doherty [00:01:21]:
Feeling well, hoping they pull through.

Michael Doherty [00:01:23]:
Hope you guys pull through as well.

Michael Doherty [00:01:24]:
But again, it's been, you know, rewarding but challenging year and again there's been sickness going around this time of year. So if everybody, if everybody's not feeling well, truly, truly hope you get better soon. So a couple of things I wanted to talk about today.

Michael Doherty [00:01:40]:
And I guess it spans from, you.

Michael Doherty [00:01:42]:
Know, just kind of the daily, the.

Michael Doherty [00:01:44]:
Daily routine, you know, I mean, as.

Michael Doherty [00:01:46]:
A service advisor, you know, what inspires you, what motivates you to get up in the morning, give it your best for that day and just, you know.

Michael Doherty [00:01:55]:
What kind of routine do you have.

Michael Doherty [00:01:57]:
In the morning that allows you to do that? Me personally, again, I've been doing service writing cumulative for 20 years and I'm pretty much a creature of habit. So routine for me would be getting up somewhere between probably 4:30 and 5 in the morning. At a point in time I was.

Michael Doherty [00:02:18]:
Getting up actually at 4 in the morning and hitting the gym for about an hour to an hour and a.

Michael Doherty [00:02:23]:
Half and you know, starting my day back at home, breakfast, you know, shower, get dressed, hop in the car, get to work.

Michael Doherty [00:02:31]:
But I guess, you know, chronological order.

Michael Doherty [00:02:33]:
Getting up and working out, that was fantastic. And I really need to get back into that. I had some things that kind of.

Michael Doherty [00:02:39]:
Derailed me from doing that.

Michael Doherty [00:02:40]:
But I definitely want to get back into that.

Michael Doherty [00:02:43]:
We have Planet Fitness, which isn't too.

Michael Doherty [00:02:45]:
Far from our house.

Michael Doherty [00:02:47]:
It's open 24 hours a day.

Michael Doherty [00:02:49]:
And it's my fault. I've stopped going there and I need to get back into that. But definitely when I was working out in the morning, I just felt more energized. Drinking lots of water and then looks like getting back home, having a good breakfast, getting ready for the day, putting some music on, and then definitely, definitely jamming out on the way to work. Just, you know, whatever is on the radio. If you got, you know, Sirius xm, finding your favorite station, just pumping that music, man, I'm sure everybody's got a couple songs that they just go to further, you know, pump it up, jam. But. And then, you know, getting to work and, you know, kind of coming up with the attack for the day or the routine.

Michael Doherty [00:03:28]:
So for me it was, you know, kind of as I'm pulling in, if it's, you know, light out, which most times it was, but sometimes not. Again, getting there, you know, fairly early and getting things going, but just doing.

Michael Doherty [00:03:40]:
A quick scan of the parking lot.

Michael Doherty [00:03:41]:
You know, as a service advisor, you should definitely know what's in the parking lot. And, and the parking lot that we have, it actually shares, it's a joint parking lot between us and another business, which is actually a dog daycare. So we had kind of split the parking lot in two.

Michael Doherty [00:03:59]:
Where their employees would park the dog.

Michael Doherty [00:04:01]:
Daycare and their clients would come. And then where our, you know, co.

Michael Doherty [00:04:05]:
Workers and clients will park their cars, our cars would be moved.

Michael Doherty [00:04:07]:
But so it was pretty easy to decipher, you know, areas of the parking lot. But just doing a quick scan, you.

Michael Doherty [00:04:13]:
Know, in the morning as, as, as you're pulling in or as I'm pulling.

Michael Doherty [00:04:16]:
In and, you know, is there a.

Michael Doherty [00:04:19]:
Car there that you.

Michael Doherty [00:04:20]:
Looks different, wasn't there the day before. And if it's not there, if there's not a key for it in the night, drop, you know, going out and trying to find that key.

Michael Doherty [00:04:30]:
And sometimes tow truck drivers, if people.

Michael Doherty [00:04:32]:
Have had the vehicle towed in after hours, if it wasn't a scheduled appointment, sometimes tow truck drivers unfortunately just put.

Michael Doherty [00:04:40]:
The car in the parking lot and.

Michael Doherty [00:04:42]:
Play hide and go seek with a key. I have found keys just in the.

Michael Doherty [00:04:46]:
Ignition, I have found them under a.

Michael Doherty [00:04:48]:
Seat, on top of a tire, or.

Michael Doherty [00:04:51]:
In some instances, not at all.

Michael Doherty [00:04:53]:
And we've had the rare occasion where a vehicle's been towed in, there is no key. And, you know, we get a phone call from a client Saying, hey, I was calling for an update, have my car towed in yesterday, you know, what's going on with it, and you know, it wasn't a client that we previously had before. So it's kind of a, you know.

Michael Doherty [00:05:12]:
Unexpected appointment or service reservation.

Michael Doherty [00:05:15]:
And again, no idea that the car is supposed to be there. And they call and ask what the status is and we tell them that.

Michael Doherty [00:05:19]:
There'S no key and then they've got to call Triple A or the tow truck vendor.

Michael Doherty [00:05:23]:
And we've also had some times where.

Michael Doherty [00:05:25]:
A car shows up on our parking.

Michael Doherty [00:05:27]:
Lot and it's not actually for.

Michael Doherty [00:05:29]:
We've had a car or two over the years that have been towed in.

Michael Doherty [00:05:32]:
And no one knows anything about it.

Michael Doherty [00:05:33]:
And it sits there for a couple of days.

Michael Doherty [00:05:35]:
And, you know, we'll go to the extent of if it's unlocked, you know.

Michael Doherty [00:05:38]:
Going to the glove box and trying.

Michael Doherty [00:05:39]:
To see if maybe there's a receipt from a dry cleaner or maybe a prior service record from a dealer or someone like that. But if there isn't, unfortunately, you just kind of got to sit there and wait and see what happens. But in any event, you know, checking the night drop, making sure to see if there's any keys in there and making also sure that that night drop box is stocked, stocked with envelopes, pens that can deplete rather rapidly. And it's, you know, because it's outside.

Michael Doherty [00:06:06]:
Of the dwelling, our business, it's not always at the forefront of our minds.

Michael Doherty [00:06:10]:
To check that, but you know, continually, once a day or once a week, checking to make sure you've got enough.

Michael Doherty [00:06:16]:
Envelopes and pens for tow truck drivers or clients to fill those out.

Michael Doherty [00:06:20]:
And also, you know, is the night.

Michael Doherty [00:06:22]:
Drop in a place that's well lit.

Michael Doherty [00:06:24]:
I find out that that's a very important too, so people can easily find it. And, you know, especially when it's dark.

Michael Doherty [00:06:30]:
If they're there filling out a form.

Michael Doherty [00:06:32]:
So to go back to their car, go back to the night drop, you know, make it, make it easier for them, make it more accessible for them and to use. But again, getting back to what inspires you, what motivates you to get up in the morning and give it your.

Michael Doherty [00:06:46]:
Best for the day.

Michael Doherty [00:06:46]:
You know, what's your routine again? Mine's getting up, hitting the gym if I can, and just kind of starting the day. But also, you know, along the lines of a work life balance. You know, how are we as service advisors? You know, after just really being fed information from a fire hose all day, how are we, you know, turning that information off on the way home, after we clock out, after we, you know.

Michael Doherty [00:07:14]:
On the ride home, on the drive.

Michael Doherty [00:07:16]:
Home, if you would, how are we just kind of getting that work life balance and getting it out of our.

Michael Doherty [00:07:23]:
Head for the day and going back.

Michael Doherty [00:07:25]:
To, we'll call it family mode, if you would. I'm always in family mode, but you know what I mean, just the separation of. I've done the best I can for.

Michael Doherty [00:07:33]:
The day and now I need to switch gears mentally.

Michael Doherty [00:07:35]:
I'm coming back home or whatever you're going to do, just get out of that work mode again. I found that music is a great way to do that and decompress or.

Michael Doherty [00:07:43]:
I'll give a phone call, I'll give.

Michael Doherty [00:07:45]:
A phone call to a family member or a friend and have a 20, 30 minute conversation on the way home and just kind of just get back to basics before I get home. But just again, what's your routine? And also in the morning if you've done your routine and again it can be about bunch of different stuff but you know, again I'm coming in the parking lot, I'm scanning around, I'm looking at vehicles, is there something that's wasn't here the night before? You know, checking up on that, things of that nature. But also are you excited, are you.

Michael Doherty [00:08:13]:
Excited for the day to start?

Michael Doherty [00:08:15]:
Are you looking forward to the booked.

Michael Doherty [00:08:18]:
Service reservations for that day, those clients coming in?

Michael Doherty [00:08:21]:
I think everybody's got a favorite client.

Michael Doherty [00:08:23]:
Or 2 or 3 or 10.

Michael Doherty [00:08:25]:
And I've often, you know, sometimes I.

Michael Doherty [00:08:27]:
Go through the list in the morning.

Michael Doherty [00:08:28]:
Or the day before doing pre writes and I come upon a name that I kind of go, oh man, this person's going to give me a run for my money. Or you know, the last time this.

Michael Doherty [00:08:38]:
Person was in it didn't go so great or whatever.

Michael Doherty [00:08:41]:
And you know, and not, not judging that person but just maybe the circumstance that happened or just we couldn't get.

Michael Doherty [00:08:48]:
The car right or you know, they.

Michael Doherty [00:08:50]:
Paid to have work done and the check engine light came back on the.

Michael Doherty [00:08:53]:
Second day after they had it and they had to bring it back in.

Michael Doherty [00:08:55]:
And they weren't happy about it. You know, just something where it just kind of stuck in your mind when you see that name and you kind of go oh, you know, how can we, how can we not do that? How can we not frame it if.

Michael Doherty [00:09:08]:
You would in our mind that it's.

Michael Doherty [00:09:09]:
Going to be a problem, you know, like, or a bad interaction with that customer coming in that day for the service reservation that you've had a past not so great experience with and I.

Michael Doherty [00:09:19]:
Think a great way to do that.

Michael Doherty [00:09:20]:
Is just again just come into an optimistic, you know, come into an optimistic and what happened happened and hopefully you've had a chance to fix it and rectify that for them and hope they don't bring it up. But if they do, you know, again just being professional and hey, I remember the experience you had last time and you know, whether it was a lack of communication that you were giving to them or again something just they had to come back for something that they shouldn't have and just you know, remembering what that was and to not replicate it, do it again and just let them know that that's not going to happen this time. We got you.

Michael Doherty [00:09:55]:
I've also gone into it too in.

Michael Doherty [00:09:56]:
The morning, pretty excited.

Michael Doherty [00:09:59]:
We're going to help our customers today.

Michael Doherty [00:10:01]:
We're going to educate our customers, we're.

Michael Doherty [00:10:04]:
Going to build and maintain client relationships and that's what we're there to do.

Michael Doherty [00:10:08]:
So the help portion, pretty simple.

Michael Doherty [00:10:11]:
Identify their concerns, provide solutions with building.

Michael Doherty [00:10:15]:
Value and doing that for them and again using your previous mentioned client guided sales to hopefully they want to do work with your shop and again build value in that.

Michael Doherty [00:10:25]:
Thank you for their business.

Michael Doherty [00:10:26]:
And the education part, again, when you're.

Michael Doherty [00:10:29]:
Going over that estimate with them or.

Michael Doherty [00:10:30]:
You'Re going over that email estimate with them or dvi, a digital vehicle inspection, breaking down what's going on with the vehicle and educating them and it doesn't always have to be in automotive terminology. You know, I've mentioned in the past there's ways to relate things to people in a non automotive sense that maybe don't understand automotive and that's okay and but you just want to gain common ground and get them, you know, to understand why it's important. And also, you know, the, you know.

Michael Doherty [00:10:59]:
Gonna build and maintain client relationships, you.

Michael Doherty [00:11:01]:
Know, that's how we keep the funnel going, that's how we get return clients.

Michael Doherty [00:11:05]:
We keep happy clients, all that good stuff.

Michael Doherty [00:11:07]:
And there's also so much social media these days. I'm not a big social media person but you know, if your business has a social media platform, Facebook, Twitter, whatever, you know, constantly updating and you know, putting content out there and for you.

Michael Doherty [00:11:24]:
Know, existing followers and trying to get followers and whatnot.

Michael Doherty [00:11:27]:
But you know, again, you know, come in with a mindset, you know, we're gonna help customers today, we're going to educate customers today and we're going to.

Michael Doherty [00:11:35]:
Build and maintain client relationships today.

Michael Doherty [00:11:37]:
You know, very important health or thought process there. You know, I saw a quote the other day that I thought was really cool. It said, success is a reflection of daily habits. And one habit that I wasn't too great at doing, to be honest, was I would say I was probably 75% from doing it. But having a morning meeting and things were kind of staggered in the operations for the day. So we had myself and another tech, myself and a technician will come in fairly early and then another technician would trickle in, another technician would trickle in and then the service advisor, other service advisors that we worked with or work with, she would come in, she would be the closer. So I'd be the opener. I work from hour to this hour, opening to this hour, and then when I left for the day, she'd be.

Michael Doherty [00:12:30]:
There for an additional hour.

Michael Doherty [00:12:31]:
But again, it was staggered entry. So we would shoot for, I think.

Michael Doherty [00:12:35]:
It was 10:30 somewhere in there.

Michael Doherty [00:12:37]:
9:45, 10, 10:30 for a morning meeting. And sometimes it didn't happen. And you know, I'm just taking accountability. That was my fault. I just got caught up in the morning of getting cars checked in and.

Michael Doherty [00:12:48]:
Doing dispatch and stuff like that.

Michael Doherty [00:12:50]:
But just so important to, to have a morning meeting. And I think that is definitely part of success and in forms of communication with your team and also building daily habits. And you know, I kind of looking at it, in hindsight, I think it would have been a better idea to.

Michael Doherty [00:13:07]:
Not only have a morning meeting consistently.

Michael Doherty [00:13:09]:
But also have an afternoon meeting. And that in most places I don't think happens. It didn't happen at the establishment that I worked with and worked at, but.

Michael Doherty [00:13:18]:
I think having a morning meeting just.

Michael Doherty [00:13:20]:
To establish what's going on from the day prior, what's coming in today, how can we make things as seamless as possible. And also, you know, you're going to get those unaccounted things that are just going to pop up and you know, for a better word, you know, throw a wrench in the mix. It wouldn't be a day of automotive if it didn't. But you know, how do you adapt to that? How do you, how does your team respond to that? How do you pull through as a team with communication? But again, you know, maybe 2:00, 2:30, having a second meeting for the day and kind of going over with what.

Michael Doherty [00:13:54]:
You recapped in the morning and are those things happening?

Michael Doherty [00:13:56]:
Are we on track with either some.

Michael Doherty [00:13:59]:
Of those vehicle promise times or did.

Michael Doherty [00:14:00]:
The parts show up? You know, again, just constant communication, super important, super important. And that is going to Keep things on the track for your team. And I've talked about that so much over the years, which is communication and it's so important. And now that I'm starting to learn.

Michael Doherty [00:14:18]:
About marketing as well for automotive marketing.

Michael Doherty [00:14:21]:
You know, what I'm hearing from people that I'm included on Zoom calls with and speaking with is that the marketing companies that they've had, that they currently have or have had in the past, you know, there's someone that calls up.

Michael Doherty [00:14:33]:
Mention some things to them, they purchase.

Michael Doherty [00:14:35]:
That marketing and then, you know, they don't hear from them and it's kind.

Michael Doherty [00:14:39]:
Of like one and done and there's no communication.

Michael Doherty [00:14:42]:
And they've asked for an update on their website or an update on the Facebook page or maybe, maybe a coupon that they're doing and the marketing company.

Michael Doherty [00:14:52]:
Just isn't being prompt in getting back to them.

Michael Doherty [00:14:54]:
So not only just in, you know, there's different parts of automotive, but not just, you know, in the shop sense, you know, it's also, you know, I will call it, you know, professional courtesy, business to business, you know, communicating. You know, I used to love calling back the parts people that were order parts from that weren't World Pack. And nothing against World Pack, they're great. I just didn't have a direct connect. You know, they had so many drivers. But if I had to order part.

Michael Doherty [00:15:24]:
From the BMW dealer with, there was.

Michael Doherty [00:15:26]:
Maybe one or two people I was familiar with talking to all the time.

Michael Doherty [00:15:29]:
But there's a part I had to.

Michael Doherty [00:15:30]:
Order from, you know, Volkswagen. There's a gentleman that I always used to call and ask for that, you know, got things delivered on time. But just, you know, once you get those parts, calling those people back and you know, if you've got time of day and just saying, hey, thanks, thanks for getting that to me as quickly as you did, or hey, you know, I've got this core that needs to be picked up.

Michael Doherty [00:15:49]:
I've had for here for a week.

Michael Doherty [00:15:50]:
I know you guys are busy, but you know, if you really could, I really appreciate it. So, you know, just professional courtesy, you know, it goes a long ways and.

Michael Doherty [00:15:58]:
Again, everybody that's involved, you know, the.

Michael Doherty [00:15:59]:
People dropping off the parts, I used to love, you know, World Pack. They would, their vendors would drop or their drivers would drop off a part or two and as they're leaving, you know, just kind of, you know, you.

Michael Doherty [00:16:10]:
See them driving through the parking lot.

Michael Doherty [00:16:11]:
You kind of put your hand up, hey, what do you say? You know, hey, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for dropping that off. And they can. You get this weird look and they're like, yeah, sure, no problem. And then as they come in a second time, a third time, hey, do you need to use the restroom? Would you like a snack or a drink? You know, again, building relationships with them as well.

Michael Doherty [00:16:27]:
I mean, they're. They're helping your business, they're helping your business move forward. The faster the, the parts can get there, the more efficient you can be in getting those parts to the technician.

Michael Doherty [00:16:37]:
And getting the technician working on that.

Michael Doherty [00:16:39]:
Car and then back to the client and then repeat process.

Michael Doherty [00:16:41]:
But it goes from.

Michael Doherty [00:16:43]:
And I don't say the bottom level.

Michael Doherty [00:16:45]:
I don't look at the people bringing.

Michael Doherty [00:16:46]:
The parts to your business to help your customers on the bottom level, but I only say bottom level as far.

Michael Doherty [00:16:52]:
As maybe how things progress, Building the technician, identifying the concern. Are you writing up the ro, Ordering the parts? You know, are the client authorizing the work, ordering the parts, the part showing up.

Michael Doherty [00:17:07]:
So again, everything has to flow just right.

Michael Doherty [00:17:09]:
So, you know, be.

Michael Doherty [00:17:10]:
Be cognizant of that.

Michael Doherty [00:17:11]:
I mean, show appreciation for everybody that's helping your business move forward and that you're working with.

Michael Doherty [00:17:17]:
It's really important.

Michael Doherty [00:17:18]:
I just can't strive that enough. It means a lot just either, you know, we have parts drivers drop off.

Michael Doherty [00:17:24]:
From dealers and just have the check ready for them if you know they're going to be on the way. If they're not on an account with.

Michael Doherty [00:17:29]:
You, a monthly account, and you gotta, you know, manually write them a check.

Michael Doherty [00:17:34]:
Or give them cash, have it ready. Their time is valuable too.

Michael Doherty [00:17:37]:
You know, they got a bunch of stuff going on, so. And the more they see that, and it's kind of like, you know, being in a restaurant and a waiter or waitress, you know, working with you or helping you out, you know, still be kind to them.

Michael Doherty [00:17:50]:
It's still customer service.

Michael Doherty [00:17:52]:
And again, if they're helping your business move forward, you know, just. Just be polite.

Michael Doherty [00:17:56]:
It's the best thing to do, best policy to do.

Michael Doherty [00:17:59]:
But again, you know, touching base on.

Michael Doherty [00:18:01]:
Health, health, mental and physical.

Michael Doherty [00:18:04]:
We all have stuff going on outside of work. I've had coworkers before bring their concerns.

Michael Doherty [00:18:10]:
To work and you can tell immediately that something's wrong.

Michael Doherty [00:18:14]:
And, you know, whether they want to talk about it or not, you know, that's sometimes not a great subject to get into. But, you know, they might just be open about it, but you can tell something's going on. I've had to have the conversation in the past. You know, hey, X, Y or Z Or you know, is everything okay? You know, do you need to take some time off?

Michael Doherty [00:18:30]:
You know, no, I'm just having a bad day.

Michael Doherty [00:18:31]:
Okay, well, you know, again, help them.

Michael Doherty [00:18:33]:
Out, help them out.

Michael Doherty [00:18:34]:
You know, maybe you can't help other situation but you know, just check on them, check on them. Be a human to a team member to a co worker.

Michael Doherty [00:18:42]:
It's really important.

Michael Doherty [00:18:42]:
I just can't strive that enough. But again, health, mental and physical and I hope everybody's doing better, feeling better if you're not feeling well. But again, you know, inspiration. What motivates you to get up in.

Michael Doherty [00:18:57]:
The morning and do the best you can?

Michael Doherty [00:18:59]:
For me personally, it's my family. You know, I do everything I can for my family. I wear that on my sleeve and you know the poster, if you guys see in the background, I put that up. That's newer only because I just didn't know what I wanted to do with it. But my grandparents lived in Florida and that is a picture that they actually a poster they got in Spain in 1975. They went to a bull fight and they brought that poster back and they had it framed.

Michael Doherty [00:19:31]:
And I always remember being a kid and seeing that poster and just loving.

Michael Doherty [00:19:34]:
It and asking questions about it and then telling me about their experience in Spain. And when my grandfather passed away about a year ago, my mom said, hey, we're going to clean out the house in Florida.

Michael Doherty [00:19:46]:
Is there anything you want out of the house?

Michael Doherty [00:19:48]:
And I said, I would love that.

Michael Doherty [00:19:50]:
Picture, that poster, that frame poster.

Michael Doherty [00:19:53]:
And I put it up there as.

Michael Doherty [00:19:54]:
A reminder of family.

Michael Doherty [00:19:56]:
And family personally is my driving force to just do the best they can. And also with that in my mind, if I do the best I can for my coworkers, it's helping their families too. And just sharing that mindset. Everybody's helping everybody at work and communication and everything just kind of falls into place. So a little sentimental today, but you know, I guess it's during the holidays and some missed family members that aren't around to talk to anymore that have.

Michael Doherty [00:20:24]:
Passed on and whatnot.

Michael Doherty [00:20:25]:
But you know, just trying to be a human. But service advisor nation, truly from the bottom of my heart, thank you for.

Michael Doherty [00:20:32]:
Tuning in to another episode of the.

Michael Doherty [00:20:33]:
Auto fix advisory cast. And I got a couple more episodes before the end of the year to get out, but I'll be doing those shortly. And thank you so much for tuning in and hope everybody's doing great. Hope you keep your base full and thank you. Thank you so much. World Pack. Thank you again for your sponsorship. It means a lot and you guys are still doing great things for independent shops nationwide and we appreciate you.

Michael Doherty [00:20:57]:
So this is Michael Dougherty for the autofix Advisor Cast. Enjoy your day and thank you again for tuning in.

Michael Doherty [00:21:07]:
Hey, thanks for listening to the autofix Advisor Cast.

Michael Doherty [00:21:10]:
If you're ready to take your shop.

Michael Doherty [00:21:11]:
To the next level, check out our sponsor, WorldPAC and the WorldPAC Training Institute WTI. Big thanks to them for their sponsorship. Follow the podcast on social media for more insights and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Oh, and tell your friends we want to help the industry grow and help advisors love their jobs again. See you on the next Autofix Advisor Cast.

End-of-Year Reflections and Morning Routines for Service Advisors
Broadcast by