Daily Habits You NEED for Effective Service Advising!

Thanks to our sponsor WorldPac and the WorldPac Training Institute (WTI)! TOUCH HERE for the latest in auto parts distribution and HERE to explore training programs that can take your career to the next level. 

Today, Michael Doherty discusses the importance of a structured Service Advisor Audit. He emphasizes how correct vehicle check-in pictures, including detailed documentation of odometer readings and vehicle conditions, are crucial to ensure transparency and avoid potential issues. Additionally, Michael discusses how to run documentation for diagnostics and services rendered, highlighting how it enhances customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Finally, he outlines how tracking marketing sources for new clients can significantly aid in optimizing marketing efforts.

00:00 Correct vehicle check-in requires detailed photo documentation.
05:41 Mileage discrepancies, vehicle inspections, service advisor tasks.
09:50 Verify mileage, order accuracy, and invoicing details.
12:50 Track client sources and payment accountability process.
14:13 Thank clients, address questions, and collect client details.
17:44 Weekly data review, yes/no answers; comments needed.

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If you have any suggestions or would like to be a guest on the AutoFix AdvisorCast, please email us at michael@autofixsos.com. We look forward to connecting with you!
Daily Habits You NEED for Effective Service Advising!
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